Christina Feliciana

Christina Feliciana, MSW, LCSW, PPSC

Location: HSS 218
Office Hours:
Mon: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Christina Feliciana, MSW, LCSW, PPSC has been at Cal since 2007. She is the Project Coordinator for the Child Welfare Scholars (Title IVE) Program. 

Christina is mixed race/Black and was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She attended Georgetown University where she received a BA in English with a minor in women's studies. After college, she participated in a service-learning program, serving Chicago's Southside. After this intense experience teaching fifth and second graders, she felt called to social work. She returned to California where she earned her master's in social welfare at the University of California at Berkeley while obtaining a Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPSC) in school social work. To fund graduate school, she received a stipend that required a two-year work commitment following graduation in public child welfare.

Christina served as a child welfare worker for two years in Alameda and San Francisco counties in dependency investigations, family maintenance, and family reunification. Shortly after completing her two-year commitment, she took a position with the Mt. Diablo Unified School District as a school social worker and the coordinator of their Foster Youth Services program. She earned the Council on Social Work Education's National Heart of Social Work Award for Excellence in Field Instruction after serving as a field instructor for more than fifty interns while a school social worker. Christina joined the faculty of San Francisco State in 2002 and coordinated their PPSC program from 2006 to 2018. 

Christina authored two chapters in a school social work textbook that is being published spring 2022: School Social Work: Engaging Social Justice and Racial Equity from Practitioners' Perspectives. The author group is a collective of school social work practitioners and scholars for change.

Christina and her spouse are the parents of two children, who are sisters by birth and adoption. Christina sits on the board of Pact, an Adoption Alliance, an organization that serves adopted children of color and their families.