Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW)
The BASW at SF State is a cohort group. Students typically begin and end the program at the same time and are expected to complete their BASW degree requirements in two years.

BASW-MA Gerontology Scholars Program
The blended B.A./MA. program enables qualifying and accepted students to complete both a B.A. in Social Work and M.A. in Gerontology in five years.
Graduate Program

Master of Social Work (MSW)
The MSW program offers one concentration (area of specialized emphasis): Individuals, Families, and Groups. ALL MSW courses are held on Monday and Tuesday for the duration of the day and evening.

PPSC Program
Current SF State MSW students interested in working in public school settings are eligible to apply for and complete our PPSC program requirement as part of their MSW degree.
Stipend Programs

Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program
Students must participate in the full-time MSW program and sign yearly contracts to work in public child welfare to be eligible for this stipend program.

IBH Stipend Program
The stipend award is for second-year MSW students only who are in good academic standing, meet all core MSW program requirements and committed to working in the field of integrated behavioral health (IBH).

Project ARISE
An interdisciplinary training stipend program for Early Childhood Special Educators and Social Workers. Project ARISE's training centers early childhood mental health and inclusion practices.

PBH Stipend Program
Second-year MSW students interested in public behavioral health and who have met all core MSW program requirements are eligible to apply for this competitive stipend program.