Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPSC)
Our MSW PPSC program offers a curriculum in school social work practice that leads to the eligibility and recommendation for the Pupil Personnel Services Credentials (PPSC) in School Social Work Issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The credential covers pre-kindergarten through 12th grade service in public and other schools requiring the credential. The PPS Credential in School of Social Work authorizes the holder to be employed in the State of California in positions requiring such certification.

Current SF State MSW students are eligible to apply for and complete the PPSC Program requirements as part of their MSW degree. Note that the qualified PPSC placement and accompanying coursework can be completed either during the 1st or 2nd year of the MSW program. Title IV-E and HCAI or IBH students must complete their PPSC placement and coursework during their first year.
Please note that we no longer offer the PPSC program to postgraduate students.
Application Steps:
Attend PPSC program meeting scheduled in the fall of each year.
Complete the program application provided to you at the program meeting.
The application is due on November 1 of the year you do your PPSC internship placement.
For additional questions, please contact:
PPSC Program Coordinator
Sandy Vaughn, LCSW, PPSC
Secure a PPSC internship placement
- Your PPSC internship placement should be on the approved list of PPSC placements (check with the PPSC Coordinator or Internship Director).
- Internship Experience requirements must include:
- 450 hours in a school-based practice setting supervised by an MSW and PPS in Social Work Credential holder
- Included in the 450 hours:
- At least 100 hours in each of two age group settings (pre-school, elementary, middle, high school)
- In addition, Internship Instructors, PPSC Supervisors, and MSW students will develop a Learning Agreement to address the CTC Performance Expectations and Standards as well as those tailored to the particular internship placement setting.
Complete CTC’s fingerprinting Certificate of Clearance (Due September)
Prior to starting your internship placement, you will need to complete the CTC Certificate of Clearance. The fingerprinting is in addition to the fingerprinting you will need for your school district. Save your receipt as well as any email or letter you get from the CTC related to this as you will submit with your credential application once you graduate.
Enroll in PPSC coursework concurrent with your PPSC placement
- SW 865 Social Work Practice in School Settings (Fall semester)
- SW 740 Internship Placement (Fall and Spring semesters)
- SW 741 PPSC Seminar (Fall and Spring semesters)
Complete the Verification of PPSC Standards Form (Due MAY of PPSC placement year)
Complete this form toward the completion of your PPSC internship placement with your PPSC internship supervisor.
Complete the Credential Application Packet (Due after you graduate)
Upon completion of all requirements including graduating from the MSW program you will apply for your credential by submitting a completed credential application to the Credential and Graduation Services Center.
- For the processing fee (#1 of the packet), click on the link and select “clear credential” from the options
- You will need to secure signatures on the CAP and Verification of Standards forms
- Complete and gather all the forms and information and then submit the completed packet depending on your last name to SF State Credential & Graduate Services Center, Burk Hall 244, CREDENTIAL ANALYSTS:
- Last name A-K, Myla Marcelino Adeva, mlm@sfsu.edu, 415-405-0304
- Last name L-Z, Claudia M Murcia, marxel@sfsu.edu, 415-338-2690
There are no additional program costs charged by SF State. There are additional fees associated with the additional CTC requirements (CTC Certificate of Clearance, application processing fees payable to CTC, etc.). For current CTC fees see CTC Fee Schedule Information.